Wednesday, September 26, 2007


“我”这一个字看似很平凡, 但一点都不间单. 想想如下… “我的想法最有道理”, “我的话是对的”, “我做的事最为正确”, 因此, 别人应该跟着“我”. “我懂得较多”, “我最了解”, “我在现场, 我亲眼看到, 我亲耳听到”, 因此, “我”肯定不会错. “我与他的性格不同”, “我与他的想法也不同”, “我跟他谈不来”, “我跟他很难配合”, 因此, “我”无法与对方合作.

这些都是过于執著于“我”的例子. 结果, 无法体现”无我”, “大我”的精神,也因而失去了”慈悲”的心, “平等”的心, 接着就产生了”分别”的心. 比如年龄, 性别, 学历, 职业, 职位, 权力等的差别, 最终变得难以了解对方的立场, 难以理解对方的感受, 更不用说为对方设想. 人与人之间的争执由此而来, 各种各样的烦恼也因而产生了.

人一旦執著于“我”, 智慧就会被阻塞, 思维变得狭隘和封闭. 为了“我”这个面子, 变得短视, 偏见和独断, 难以接受别人的意见. 为争“我”的一口气, 变得一意孤行,失去理智, 不顾他人的感受, 生命被“恶”所支配, 对事物和问题的处理也就形成恶的循环了.

“别人要讲, 让他讲”这句话看似平庸间单, 却蕴含做人处世的大学问. 让别人有充分的机会讲话, 聆听对方的意见, 是了解对方内心世界与立场的最佳方法, 然而, 自我的人就难以做到这一点. 这是基本的礼仪, 即使是激烈的言词, 也可心平气和地聆听, 让对方有机会倾诉心里话, 这不仅反映本身具有自信, 也表现个人所拥有的宽大胸襟与雅量.

面对眼前的大时代, 必须深透了解组织里的人的心声, 见解, 才能集思广益, 取长补短, 并迎合时代, 为组织找出新的方向. 假如坚持己见, 无法容纳别人, 那组织里必产生争执, 不能和蔼与安定.

对于年轻与年长者之间的关系也是一样, 年长者应关怀年轻者, 竭尽所能培育和提携他们. 而年轻者则必须尊重长辈, 绝不能因本身可能受教育程度比较高, 或能掌握现代的电脑科技等知识而看轻长辈.池田SGI会长也时常提醒年轻者: “不知报恩的人犹如畜生”.

能真诚欣赏和称赞别人也是一种美德. 这是出于对别人的真正了解, 尊重, 钦佩和珍惜之心, 不是虚伪或奉承做假.

人要获得别人的欣赏和赞扬, 本身要有实力和业绩的表现. 宇宙万物, 都需要经历一段长时间才形成, 如大河是由许多小河汇集才成大河, 高楼大厦也是由一砖一瓦而筑成的.

有的人喜欢显耀自己, 时而“标新立异”, 以让别人认为他很英明, 能干. 事实上, 这种虚娇和自傲, 有识者一望即知.

由于不实, 这种人往往思考欠缺周详, 得娇柔做作, 犯了错误也不敢承担, 试图掩饰和隐瞒, 说话也前后矛盾, 久而久之, 必被人识穿而失去信赖, 最后所得的是虚名. 为了要争取荣誉, 一边得花费心机, 采用种种手段,另一边又得掩饰自己的错误, 结果“心”无法安定, 始终被烦恼所纠缠着.

靠虚娇而得到的荣誉, 看似如彩虹般美丽, 但却如昙花一现, 乍间消失.

唯有脚踏实地, 默默努力耕耘而取得的扎实成果, 才会受人欣赏和称赞, 真正的荣誉才会由此建立起来.

处于越高职位的人, 越应慎防不被别人个人崇拜, 本身更不能自我制造让人崇拜的机会. 因为盲目地崇拜一个人是不好, 会成为潜伏在团对里的危机.

团对就像一个交响乐团, 在各部平等和充分地发挥, 紧密配合下, 才能演奏出美妙及和谐的乐章.

以“自我”为中心, 執著于“自我”的人, 很难会做到“放下”, 特别是名和权力. 然而, 能够“放下”的人, 才是真正能承担大事的人.


by 旭日の革

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Now and Today

Now, this present moment,
Linking the eternal past
And the eternal future,
Is the transformation point
Of all causes and effects.

It is therefore crucial
That we win each and ervery day
Where we are right now!
In our communities,
In our workplaces,
In our homes.

Today again it is important
That we advance another step
In our efforts at dialogue
To plant the seeds of happiness
Deep in the life
of one person after another.

Excerpts from “Let the Bells of the
People’s Victory Ring Out Far and Wide!”

A poem written by Daisaku Ikeda

by seanWON



from 「黄伟文录」


by seanWON











by seanWON




1. 避免變質
2. 避免陽光照射
3. 使用保鮮膜


香水(eau de Parfum)︰濃度為10~15%,香氣持續5小時左右,適合白天的宴會或是外出使用。

淡香水(eau de Toilette)︰濃度為5~10%,香氣持續約3~4小時,上班及日常使用都很適宜。

古龍水(edude Cologne)︰濃度為3~5%,香氣持續約1~2小時,一般是在沐浴後或是運動前使用。








1. 切忌一“嗅”鐘情,因為香水接觸肌膚後散發的氣味是初調,只會維持10分鐘左右,隨後的中調和基調才是持續伴隨你的香氣,所以不要在10分鐘內下決心。
2. 別人身上的幽香,不一定適合你,因為每個人的膚質、體溫、習慣都不同,與香水產生的化學作用當然也不會一樣。
3. 身體某處若噴了香水,就不適宜又在身體其他其他部位再噴香水來測試,因為道理簡單不過,太多香味混合在一起,你還能正確分辨嗎?
4. 選擇香味時,不能同時超過3款香水,否則你肯定無法正確感覺出香氣。

by seanWON

Friday, September 21, 2007




by linguowei@bmonidea

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Auto City Lantern Festival


Fri-Sun : RM15 (Adult), RM10 (Child)
Mon-Thu : Buy one free one

by 歪西


是寄生型生物。它是珍貴中藥材。它就是『冬天是蟲,夏天是草』的冬蟲夏草,學名為Cordyceps Sinensis,是一種寄生於昆蟲內之真菌的通稱。此類真菌在冬天以昆蟲為寄主,逐漸把昆蟲的本體吸收,以產生自己的菌絲,最後在夏季成熟並破蟲而出。因為在外觀上就猶如蟲中有草,草鑲蟲中,所以又稱蟲草,目前的蟲草品種共有400多種。



1. 改善老年人及體質虛弱者的固有體質,恢復活力及精力。
2. 蟲草素可調養病人體質,尤其是癌症病人。
3. 提升對工作、環境等壓力的耐受能力。
4. 改善運動員的體能及耐力,增加心肺功能指數及體內的帶氧量,並使疲勞迅速恢復。
5. 冬蟲夏草能夠增加體內雄性荷爾蒙分泌,對於男性可促進性活力。
6. 能夠調節性器官、下視丘、腦下垂體的荷爾蒙分泌,對於女性冬蟲夏草可改善更年期症候群。
7. 改善B型肝炎帶原者的肝臟功能。
8. 改善睡眠品質。
9. 提升體內超氧化岐化酵素(Super-oxide Dismutase)的活性,減少體內氧化反應,降低自由基的產生。

1. 對真菌類過敏的人、服用MAO抑制劑、抗凝血劑的病人,宜徵詢醫生的意見。
2. 體內會時常發生無故性出血或凝血機制有問題者,不宜食用。

by 旭日の革

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


The 59th PRIMETIME EMMY AWARD was on SUNDAY. What is the EMMY?? It’s to honour those that work in the small screen... Somewhat like the Oscars but this is more for TV...
The question lies in who WEAR what and who WIN what??

So who was the biggest winner of the night???
“A notorious crime family, a fictional sketch-comedy show, an iconic singer and a female British detective were among the big winners at the 59th Primetime Emmy Awards, which took place at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles and was telecast on the Fox network. Host for the ceremony was American Idol host Ryan Seacrest.

Other highlights included a 30th anniversary tribute to a groundbreaking miniseries and a moving musical send-off to one of the most celebrated series in television history.

Among the twenty-nine categories honored, NBC topped the list with seven wins. ABC and HBO followed closely with six winged statuettes each. Combined with their awards at last Saturday’s Creative Arts Emmys, the three networks led for the year as well: HBO earned twenty-one, NBC nineteen and ABC ten. CBS, which won one award on the night, also earned a total of ten between the two shows.

The Sopranos, HBO’s acclaimed production about the travails of a New Jersey Mob boss and his intertwined biological and criminal families took the prize for Outstanding Drama Series, and 30 Rock, NBC’s look at the backstage activity at a late-night sketch-comedy show, was named Outstanding Comedy Series.

The Sopranos, the NBC special Tony Bennett: An American Classic, the AMC miniseries Broken Trail and the PBS Masterpiece Theatre production Prime Suspect: The Final Act led the recipients of multiple awards with three each.

The ABC comedy Ugly Betty took two, including Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series for its star, America Ferrera. Ricky Gervais, creator and star of HBO’s Extras, took Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series.

James Spader, of ABC’s law-firm saga Boston Legal, took the award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series and Sally Field, of ABC’s Brothers & Sisters, was named Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series,” FOX say in its internet review…

Congrats to those that won and sorry for the one that did not win…
to know more about the winners visit ....

Now next to the next topic that I would want to discuss… who wear what to the EMMY??? Well lets see…
dressmakers such as Posen, Bottega Veneta, KaufmanFranco and Kevan Hall stood out.. older renowned brands such as DIOR and RALPH LAUREN also make the cut... soo which stars look the best and worst...

-Ellen DeGeneres wore Gucci, with Boucheron jewels, and Portia de Rossi, in Azzaro by Vanessa Seward, with Boucheron jewels… This couple sure looks hot together… and can turn any straight women gay… Gowd!!! I would love to see how they all dress up…-

-Christina Aguilera pulls it off with Valentino, with Stephen Webster jewelry. Moreover she looks stunning and glamorous although she is pregnant… WOW!!! Every woman in this world is jealous of her…-

-Katherine Heigl which won Best Supporting Actress in a Drama wore Zac Posen, with a Mary Norton clutch. She looks va-va broom… and every gay guy would go ga-gaing over her… and to tell everyone that she has a good taste for fashion… EVERYONE LISTEN, “SHE DOES NOT HAVE A STYLIST” some girls are just born with it…-

-Felicity Huffman wore David Meister, with Martin Katz jewels. She looks stunning. Every guy would be desperate to want her. And she pulls it off. But her co-star TERI HATCHER did not do very well in pink. Soree Teri, not everyone can
do it..-

-Vanessa Williams wore Kevan Hall
with Martin Katz jewels. Although many birds were killed in the making of it, but she looks stunning… she is the only that can pull it off… altho she has four kids .. yes FOUR kids ... way to go girl… Wilhelmina will say, “you damm LUCKY BITCH.”-

-Hayden Panettiere wore Marc Bouwer, with H. Stern jewels. She looks terrible… the gown is way too huge and she looks like she gain 100pounds in one night… furthermore she is only 18… one advice for you… wear something that suits your age… dun always trust your stylist… a big NO NO for you Hayden… SORRY…-

-America Ferrera which won Best Actress in a Comedy wore Monique Lhuillier, with Martin Katz jewelry. She looks the opposite of BETTY… at least she inherits some of BETTY understanding for the world of fashion… and she looks stunning…-

-Heidi Klum wore Dior by John Galliano and a Dior clutch, with the perfect accessory, her husband Seal. She sure looks like one hot sexy MAMA…-

-Sandra Oh looks stunning in Bottega Veneta, with H. Stern jewels. She sure looks better that her co-star
Ellen Pompeo's Jackie Kennedy bouffant meets Flock of Seagulls look… ermmm… this will be discussed on every internet site…-

-Eva Longoria wore Kaufman Franco, with H. Stern jewels. And she sure does look simple and nice and shiny… *BLING BLING* TONY is sure one lucky guy…-

for more information on who wear what... visit


New Team * New Place

New NNGLteam, from left:
AngKong @ CLPT
linguowei @ bmonidea

by linguowei @ bmonidea

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007


NNGLteam new contributor, 歪西.

by linguowei@bmonidea

Friday, September 14, 2007


男女之爱恨缠绵, 共谱炒饭前奏曲.

男女在唤起性欲的前奏, 个自都有大不同. 男人就像消防员, 见”火”即刻要扑灭它. 而女人就像刚起点的”火焰”一样, 需要一段时间让它越烧越猛. 通常, 这所谓的”炎热欲火”, 最终却被十万火急的消防员给浇灭了.

这是因为男女因生心理的反应有别. 若把男女比喻为机器, 男人是只有一个按钮的机器, 女人是则有多种大大小小的按钮, 需要一个接一个开启, 才能操作. 以两者相比, 男性就比较直截了当, 女性就比较难专注在情欲上的体验, 性欲会比较慢被挑起.

如果要唤起男性的性欲就比较容易, 挑摸他的性器官就行了. 但是, 挑动女人就的从她的身体外部而入, 包括抚摸她的头发, 手指, 脚等, 逐步再接触其敏感地带.

总结来说, 男人需要的是视觉刺激, 性能奏效如对方的反应, 多变化的方式, 新奇经验. 而女人需要的是浪漫气氛, 身心的亲密沟通, 附加天时, 地利, 人和的条件. 当男人和女人的性欲完全被挑起时, 一道美味的炒饭就完成了.


by 旭日の革



有一道国际名菜,不是甜品,用朱古力来煮的,就是墨西哥独有的朱古力火鸡了(Mole)。 -->-->最正宗的是用火鸡来当材料,但这道菜在普通家庭也烧,火鸡并非天天买得到,所以用普通鸡来代替,一点不出奇。 大家都吃朱古力鸡,墨西哥人不管是任何庆典,在生日、婚宴,甚至在葬礼上也吃朱古力鸡。 配菜方面,有米饭、豆、墨西哥薄饼、泡菜及用茄子做出来酱料,或者家有什么东西,都可拿出来佐食。 好了,我们开始来烧这道菜吧! 要准备的原料有:火鸡或鸡、洋葱(切碎)、蒜头(切碎)、猪油或粟米油、新鲜芫荽、刚爆香的芝麻和基本的盐。 辣椒是主要酱料 另外要先做好一个酱料:辣椒,如果要考究,那可得用3种特有的,分别称为Ancho、Pasilla、Mulato,但是买不到的话,任何辣椒,只要是属于灯笼椒,都可勉强用之。 在外国做这道菜,至少要买正宗的墨西哥Barra牌子朱古力,才能让墨西哥人吃出乡愁来。 除辣椒之外,还要辣椒酱,最好买墨西哥的罐头Chipotle辣椒酱。不能买到,其他辣椒酱亦行,但不可用番茄酱代替。 洋葱、蒜头、鲜番茄、无核葡萄干、磨碎的杏仁、芝麻、芫荽籽、肉桂、黑胡椒、大茴香、猪油或粟米油。 用鸡煮可缩短时间 第一个步骤是把火鸡块放进一个大锅中,加洋葱和大蒜,清水要盖过鸡块,煮个一小时,如果用鸡,则可缩短时间。 在同时,可把辣椒放在平底锅上烤一烤,取出,剥掉肉囊和种子。 把火鸡块从锅中取出,用纸擦干水份,鸡汤则可留着备用。 锅中下猪油把鸡块爆香,取出备用,将油留下。 把辣椒和上述的酱料原料都放进一个搅拌机中,打成酱状,再用剩余的猪油爆香,如果酱太稠,则可加鸡汤,这时把肉块放进锅中和酱一块炒,最后才把朱古力碎放进去,加水慢火煮至全熟为止,上桌前撒新鲜芫荽和芝麻,大功告成


by linguowei@bmonidea

Thursday, September 13, 2007



黃帝時,大容作雲門,大卷… 《呂氏春秋》










林懷民與雲門的故事,已由楊孟瑜撰寫成《飆舞》一書,天下文化公司出版;張照堂監製的《踊舞‧踏歌 雲門30》紀錄片DVD,已由公共電視製作發行。多齣雲門作品已拍攝為舞蹈影片問世。在荷蘭攝製的《流浪者之歌》,在法國攝製的《水月》,在德國拍攝的《竹夢》以及在瑞士拍攝的《行草 貳》為多國電視台播放,DVD發行全球。二○○三年,由雲門製作的《雲門‧傳奇》舞作套裝DVD由金革發行。


同年,《紐約時報》首席舞評家安娜‧吉辛珂芙將雲門的《水月》列為該年最佳舞作的首選。為澳洲墨爾本藝術節揭幕的《行草 貳》,榮獲時代評論獎及觀眾票選最佳節目,翌年獲台新年度表演藝術獎。


***这是非常出名的。听过名字很久了,就是没有看过云门舞集的表演。 好期待。。。

by linguowei@bmonidea

Long Time No See

Master illusionist David Copperfield will be thrilling
Malaysian fans with his magic tricks and illusions soon.
Here’s the preview of his illusion. He will make his grand entrance here as part of his David Copperfield World of Wonders tour on Oct 30 and 31, 2007.
At Stadium Negara with 2 slots each day at 5pm & 8.30pm.
by linguowei@bmonidea


【片  名】:莫斯科不相信眼泪
【国  家】:前苏联
【导  演】:弗.梅尼绍夫
【字  幕】:中英法俄









by linguowei@bmonidea

Real Love

Real love is not two people clinging to each other; it can only be fostered between two strong people secure in their individuality. A shallow person will only have shallow relationships. If you want to experience real love, it is important to first sincerely develop a strong self identity.
True love is not about doing whatever the other person wants you to do or pretending you are something you're not. If some one genuinely loves you, they will not force you to do anything against you will nor embroil you in some dangerous activity.
A guidance by Daisaku Ikeda, who is a President of Soka Gakkai International.

by 旭日の革


MyDance Series 2007 Sept

A Balletbase-LAPAR Lab production

Malaysians are obsessed with technology -- things that glitter, light up, make noise, things that make us more visible, audible, powerful than ever before. Our bodies crave new hardware. Our minds demand the perfection of virtual reality. New interactive interfaces invade our bodies, dictate our movements, and narrow the divide between us and artificial intelligence.

Where will this obsession lead?

In technatomy, three new contemporary dance works examine the nexus between man and machine, now and in the future.

8.30pm 28 & 29 September, 3pm 30 September
Pentas 2, Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
Tickets RM35 general, RM25 students, disabled, seniors, MyDance Alliance members

Cell/Mob, choreographed by Balletbase dance director Bilqis Hijjas and performed by Balletbase dancers, shows us Malaysian teens and their relationships to their mobile phones. Using video recordings of the dancers and their own stories about love, loss, and running out of credit, the work hints that our mobiles mean more to us than we think.

The second work, by Singapore-based choreographer Tracy Vanderlinden, is another sly look at contemporary culture – a fun and energetic romp satirizing the phenomenon of MTV Nation, our search for instant celebrity and the incredible shrinking attention span.

Code 0519, choreographed by LAPAR Lab founder Low Shee Hoe, is a glimpse into the future. Combining original lighting, sound, video and set design, and the talents of award-winning director Beck Lim, Code 0519 contrasts the lived experience of the body with ideas of human cloning, artificial intelligence, robotics, and virtual reality.

For more information, contact Bilqis Hijjas at 017 310 3769 or

by linguowei@bmonidea

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


“从暴力文化到和平文化~ 人的精神变革”展
"From A Culture of Violence to A Culture of Peace:
Transforming the Human Spirit"

1 – 16 Sept 2007
Wisma Kebudayaan
SGM 综合文化中心

243, Jln Bukit Bintang,
55100 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan.
Tel : 03-2141 2003 / 03-2143 9236
Fax : 03-2142 3932 / 03-2143 0912
Email :

22 – 30 Sept 2007
SGM Selangor Culture Centre
SGM 雪兰莪分会文化会馆

Lot 23686, Jalan Selampit 29,
Taman Klang Jaya,
41200 Klang, Selangor
Tel : 03-3324 3120 / 03-3324 3121 / 03-3324 3122
Fax : 03-3324 3118
Email :

7 – 13 Oct 2007
SGM Perak Culture Centre
SGM 霹雳分会文化会馆

No.160, Jalan Pegoh,
Taman Lapangan Ria,
31650 Ipoh, Perak
Tel : 05-323 6588 / 05-323 6589
Fax : 05-323 6587
Email :

22 – 27 Oct 2007
SGM Penang Bukit Tambun Culture Centre
SGM 槟城分会武吉淡汶文化会馆
1748, MK 14,
Jalan Bukit Tambun,
14110 Simpang Ampat S.P.S.
Tel : 04-502 2940 / 04-502 2941
Fax : 04-502 2942
Email :

28 Oct 2007
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
~ Opening for Exhibition (Penang) &
Peace Talk

29 Oct – 4 Nov 2007
SGM Penang Culture Centre
SGM 槟城分会文化会馆

190, Jalan Burmah,
10350 Pulau Pinang.
Tel : 04-226 7080 / 04-229 7403
Fax : 04-226 5852
Email :

10 – 18 Nov 2007
SGM Johor Culture Centre
SGM 柔佛分会文化会馆

1A(Lot 40272) Jln Selatan 5,
Off Jln Kempas Lama,
Taman Selatan,
81200 Johor Bahru, Johor
Tel : 07-556 5788
Fax : 07-556 7000
Email :

25 Nov – 2 Dec 2007
SGM Melaka Culture Centre
SGM 马六甲分会文化会馆

No.23, Jalan Paya Ikan,
Taman Datuk Palembang,
75150 Bukit Baru, Melaka.
Tel : 06-231 3519
Fax : 06-231 3657
Email :

8 – 16 Dec 2007
SGM Culture Centre
SGM 文化会馆

Lot 960 KM14,
Jln Cheras, 43200 Batu 9,
Cheras, Selangor
Tel : 03-9075 6876
Fax : 03-9075 3358 / 03-9074 2413
Email :

by linguowei@bmonidea


  张仲景的药名叫“祛寒娇耳汤”,其做法是用羊肉、花椒和一些祛寒药材在锅里煮熬,煮好后再把这些东西捞出来切碎,用面皮包成耳朵状的“娇耳”,下锅煮熟后 分给乞药的病人。每人两只娇耳,一碗汤。人们吃下祛寒汤后浑身发热,血液通畅,两耳变暖。吃了一段时间,病人的烂耳朵就好了。


by linguowei@bmonidea

Monday, September 10, 2007

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Simpsonized NNGLteam

From left to right ~

linguowei @ bmonidea




AngKong @ CLPT

by linguowei@bmonidea

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Important of Sleeping!

A man can go two weeks without eating. But if he doesn't rest at all, hecan only survive for one week. Sleeping provides us the time to rest our internal organs, eyes and brains. Poor sleep quality can cause internaldamage to our internal organs and brains. Therefore, sleeping is veryimportant to us. If you wish to have a long life and stay healthy, please take note of the advice below.
5 DON'TS when you are sleeping...
Watches can emit a certain level of radioactivity. Though small, but if you wear your watch to bed for a long time, it might have adverseeffects on your health.
Scientists in America have discovered those that wear bras for more than 12 hours have a higher risk of getting breast cancer. Well the same goesdown there for guys..... imagine having a prostectic part. So go to bedwithout it.
Putting the phone beside your bed or anywhere near you is notencouraged. Though some of us will use phones as alarm clocks, butplease put the phone as far as possible. Scientists have proved that electrical items including mobile phone and television sets emitmagnetic waves when used. These waves can cause disruptions to ournervous system. Therefore if you need to put your mobile phone near you, switch it off first.
People who sleep with make up might have skin problems in the long run.Sleeping with make up will cause the skin to have difficulty in breathing and problem in perspiring. You will also need a much longertime to go into deep sleep.
You may never wake up again.
The above information is copied from one of the internet article. I am here to share with you all. Hope you enjoy it.
Sweet Dream!
by 旭日の革

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


The first topic of the new magazine will be written by me... Since summer is about to end... Lets us recap bout the summer blockbuster movies that been hitting theaters every week...

Most of the movies were bout the prequel and sequel... From SPIDEY to PIRATES to SHREK ... The 3rd installment for each movie came out... But of course there were new movies such as TRANSFORMER to the oldest family in small screen to hit big screen... Here are the TOP best summer movies in 2007(not in sequence)...

1.'Spider-Man 3'

- Spidey (Tobey Maguire) has a more formidable foe: his own inner demons (he embraces his dark side). He also battles three villains: Sandman, Venom and New Goblin, and juggles two women! It was the first summer blockbuster to be released. I did not watch the movie as I never watch any of the SPIDERMAN installments but overall the movie was given a good review.

2. 'Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End'

- Let’s see now, about 6 BILLION people around the world, even me saw 'Dead Man's Chest' and were at the edge of our seats when it ended. Prior to that, we'd thought only 'LOTR' could get away with a cliffhanger. But then came Jack which takes us to whole new level. But sadly the 3rd installment is not that flattering. Overall we get to see JOHNY, ORLANDO and KIERA … *wink*

3. 'Live Free or Die Hard'

- John McClane (Bruce Willis), the iconic badass who single-handedly took down two terrorist organizations on two separate Christmases, is back to battle something he hates more than Hans Gruber: Internet porn (and by "porn" we mean "terrorism"). Yippee-ki-yay, motherf!&#er! The whole movie has so many actions, butt kicking and BRUCE is still so hot doing it although he is 47years old …

4. 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'

- We've read (and re-read) the books, we know the story. But the fun of the 'Potter' series is watching the actors grow and seeing how the director puts page to screen. Overall the story line was just normal. The only reason why want to watch this movie is because of wanted to see how the directors bring the story into the big screen. Damm disappointed with the 3rd installment…

5. 'Ocean's 13'

- George Clooney, Brad Pitt and posse once again got together and partied, or as they call it, "shooting a movie." The most enticing development: Andy Garcia turns from foe to friend, while Al Pacino fills out the villain's shoes. Never watch the movie but reviews say that it was good. Hey, who cares bout the story line when there is BRAD, GEORGE and MATT …

6. 'Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer'

- Well, I thought the original 'Fantastic' was fun, but maybe not so, um ... fantastic. We have higher hopes for this one. Silver Surfer is an ambiguous character (he sets up other planets for destruction in order to save his own); we're intrigued by how it'll play out. Overall the movie was just OK. At least u gets to see JESSICA ALBA in tight spandex…

7. 'Shrek the Third'

- Shrek (Mike Myers), Donkey (Eddie Murphy) and Puss in Boots (Antonio Banderas) set out on a quest to ... bring 'Sexyback'? Actually they'e off to find a young King Arthur, voiced by Justin Timberlake. Expect tons of celeb cameos, fairy-tale puns and probably a few farts (courtesy of Shrek). Best animated movie so far. It’s the best animated movie for this summer…

8. 'Transformers'

- Michael Bay delivers a live-action flick based on a '80s cartoon about robotic aliens kicking each others' asses on Earth. Sounds preposterous, but it's jam-packed with cool effects, action and Bay's signature talent for blowing stuff up. The whole movie caught my attention from top to toe. SHIA, JOSH + MEGAN, you guys (oops… and gals) are damm hot… watch it 3 times and still I could not get enough of it …

9. '28 Weeks Later'

- Danny Boyle's lo-fi horror flick '28 Days Later' scared the living crap out of us. The prequel is just normal. You get to see zombies and deserted town of LONDON… did I even watch this one???? Hmm…

10. 'The Simpsons Movie'

- I’ve only been waiting for a big-screen version of 'The Simpsons' for six years or so. Watch the cartoon since young and now the movie is so nice and humorous. Plot details have been scant, but it's got blockbuster-sized adventure, and everybody in Springfield appears. HOORAY!!!!

11. 'The Bourne Ultimatum'

- The final installment of the Bourne series. Fresh off the powerful but heavy 'United 93,’ Paul Greengrass has high-octane entertainment in his crosshairs. He promises the third Bourne flick will blow away its two predecessors, as Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) finally uncovers the mysteries of his past. And, yes, there will be a car chase. Who knows in the future there will be another Bourne installment?? The new AMERICAN Bond??

12. 'Rush Hour 3'

- Chris Tucker hasn't appeared in anything since 2001's 'Rush Hour 2,' which can only lead us to believe he's poured every ounce of soul into this third go-round. Of course partner Jackie Chan returns, but we're intrigued by the year's oddest casting choice: Roman Polanski in a bit part. The movie was funny with Chris and Jackie gimmicks. Overall, a very fun family movie…

13. 'Evan Almighty'

- It’s a summer movie but it was showing in M’sia quite late. Well, drop any other actor in this premise -- a man is tasked by God (Morgan Freeman) to make like Noah and build an ark -- and we'd be skeptical. But given its Steve Carell, we're keeping the faith this sequel to 'Bruce Almighty' will be hee-larious. Sadly say so, it’s NOT. BRUCE ALMIGHTY is soo much nicer. Both STEVE and JIMMY are good comedians but the story line is little bit outrageous/cookoo…

14. 'Ratatouille'

- It doesn't take much to get us psyched about a Pixar film. But this one's directed by Brad Bird- ('The Incredibles') and has a quirky storyline about a foodie rat, which means Pixar's about to knock our socks off ... again. Genius can be SO predictable. But rats and cooking… I doubt that … anyway not that recommended as the story line is little bit plain…

THATS ALL FOR SUMMER .. if you all never catch it on the cinema .. there is always DVD ..
